Dec 26, 2019
Oh boy the boyz are talking blue hogs this week! That's right folks we are talking about the new HBO mini series Watchmen!
We laugh, we cry, we talk about dongs!
Did they like it? Did they hate it? Listen to find out fool!
Dec 12, 2019
Guest: Dave
Topics: Music Destroyed by Other Media, A Game Show Discussion, Andy Talks About his Mustache for 20 Min
Nov 27, 2019
So what is BeatsGiving? Well its a bunch of music from people we've had on the cast ya fool! We do some wacky stuff too!
Featured Artists:
Nov 20, 2019
Chris is out in the big city for the week but don't worry we can still bring the funny. Olivia and Nick watched Brink with Andy and they are going to talk about it. Chris is writing this now and he doesn't feel good. But you know what? That's rock and roll baby.