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Everyone I Know

A weekly or sorta weekly podcast where two opinionated brothers spout their beliefs on mundane topics with their unfortunate guests.

Three topics. Two brothers. One guest.

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Nov 29, 2018

Guest: Rod

Topics: Diners v Brunch Spots, Replace your Sibling!, Ya'll tired of Super Heroes..................



Cause there is an over saturation in the Movie Industry and eventually people are going to grow tired of the 'Marvel Formula.' Deadpool and Logan are a good step in the right direction but unless Marvel,...

Nov 21, 2018

Its just the Fellas!

Topics: Bar Trivia, Dead Musician, The War on Thanksgiving

Nov 14, 2018

Guest: Snakes O'Sullivan

Topics: Come back Bands and some Seuss, Arnold Schwarzenegger, On the Campaign Trail with EiK

Nov 7, 2018

Guest: Dave

Topics: Going out to Dine, Twin Peaks, Cats and Laser Pointers